Eden Method
Donna Eden's Daily Energy Routine [Official Version]
Donna Eden's Daily Energy Routine published on the 25/11/2015. Donna provides an overview of each exercise and demonstrates how to do each one. It is a great video for those new to Eden Energy Medicine to support your energies daily!
Donna Eden's Daily Energy Routine 7 Day Challenge
These are wonderful videos for those of you who are new to Eden Energy Medicine and want to learn the Daily Energy Routine to support your energies daily!
Day 1 of the 7-Day Daily Energy Routine Challenge With Donna!
Day 1 of the 7-Day Daily Energy Routine Challenge With Donna!
Day 4 of our 7-Day Daily Energy Routine Challenge With Donna!
Day 7 of our 7-Day Daily Energy Routine Challenge with Donna, Dondi, and Titanya
Day 6 of our 7-Day Daily Energy Routine Challenge with Dondi!
Donna Eden's 10 Day Joy Challenge
These are wonderful videos for those of you who are new to Eden Energy Medicine and want to learn the exercises to increase your happiness and joy!
Donna Kicks Off the 10-Day Joy Challenge! (Day 1)
Donna Kicks Off the 10-Day Joy Challenge! (Day 1)
Day 6 of the 28-Day Joy Challenge with Diana Reynolds!
Day 2 of Donna Eden's 10-Day Joy Challenge
Day 10 of Donna Eden's 10-Day Joy Challenge
Donna Eden's 7 Day Better Breathing Challenge
These are wonderful videos for those of you who are new to Eden Energy Medicine and want to learn the exercises to support your lungs and breathing!
Day 3 of the 7-Day Better Breathing Challenge with Dondi!
Day 3 of the 7-Day Better Breathing Challenge with Dondi!
Day 2 of the 7-Day Better Breathing Challenge with Titanya!
Day 1 of the 7-Day Better Breathing Challenge with Donna, Dondi, and Titanya!
Day 7 of the 7-Day Better Breathing Challenge with Donna, Dondi, and Titanya!
Donna Eden's Daily Energy Routine 28 Day Challenge
These are the videos from the 28 Day Challenge from February 2017. These 5 to 6 minute videos are a great way to support you as you make the DER part of your daily life. These are wonderful videos for those of you who are new to Eden Energy Medicine to support your energies daily!
Day 1 of the 28-Day Daily Energy Routine Challenge with Donna Eden!
Day 1 of the 28-Day Daily Energy Routine Challenge with Donna Eden!
Day 3 of the 28-Day Daily Energy Routine Challenge with Jennifer Mills and David Archibald!
Day 15 of the Daily Energy Routine Challenge with the EEMCP Faculty!
Day 4 of the 28-Day Daily Energy Routine Challenge with Rand Gholson!
Energy Medicine Exercises
'Wednesday Energy Minute' videos provide very helpful information about when you could use these exercises to help you at other times throughout your day!
Four Thumps
Dondi Dahlin
Cross Crawl
Dondi Dahlin
Crown Pull
Dondi Dahlin
Wayne Cook
Dondi Dahlin
Connecting Heaven and Earth
Donna Eden
The Belt Flow - (additional)
Dondi Dahlin
Diaphragm Breath - (additional)
Dondi & Titanya Dahlin
The Hook-up
Dondi Dahlin
Neurolymphatic Reflex Points
Marjorie Fein
Clearing the Gaits - (additional)
Dondi Dahlin
Darth Vader Breath (additional)
Donna Eden
Radiant Hearts (additional)
Titanya Dahlin
Illeocecal Valve
Dondi Dahlin
The Celtic Weave
Donna Eden, Dondi & Titanya Dahlin
Spooning Your Feet - (additional)
Dondi Dahlin
The Zip Up
Dondi Dahlin
Heaven Rushing In
Donna Eden and Friends!
Houston Valve
Dondi Dahlin
Helpful Resources
Links to some resources and information about Donna Eden's world renowned healing modality.
These are not affiliate sites and I do not receive any commission - just great information!
Energy Medicine Book by Donna Eden with Dr David Feinstein - amazon.com.au
Energy Medicine for Women Book by Donna Eden - amazon.com.au
The Five Elements website - Dondi Dahlin (Donna Eden's daughter)
The Five Elements Book by Dondi Dahlin - amazon.com.au
The Little Book of Energy Medicine by Dondi Dahlin - amazon.com.au
Energy Medicine Woman website - Titanya Dahlin (Donna Eden's daughter)
Chakra Chakra: My Little Energy Book for children by Titanya Dahlin - amazon.com.au