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A practitioner working with a client who is lying on a massage table by the ocean

Learn to Support
Health & Wellbeing!

Eden Method Classes
Dive into a journey of empowerment and self-care!

 My passion is sharing Donna's empowering modality in Australia!  Encouraging students and their learning by unwrapping the gifts of the Eden Method in a supportive, small group learning environment is a core aspect of every class.  My teaching style is grounded in deep love and respect for this work and is fuelled by an authentic desire to engage, empower, and support students on this life-giving journey. 

A stone with the word energy and energy symbol
A woman holding her hands over her heart chakra
A desk with a computer showing an image of Donna Eden and free online classes text

Introductory Classes

Learn the Basics

A gentle introduction to Donna Eden's  empowering modality.  Learn the basics of the Eden Method  with hands-on practice in a friendly, small group environment.  

In Person Classes

Level 1: Fundamentals

Year-Long Program

Experience your own healing power and take control of your health.  Dive into a journey of empowerment
and self-care in Brisbane, QLD!


In Person Classes

Free Classes

With Donna Eden

  These classes are a great idea if you are new to Energy Medicine or  want to learn more before booking a session or taking a physical class.  No prior knowledge required. Enjoy!

1 Online Hour Classes

Student Testimonials

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"I was struggling with my health.  I had tried the doctors, specialist, and some alternative therapies but nothing seemed to be helping...It was the most life changing information that I have ever experienced...Liz is an amazing teacher, she is kind, patient and caring.  Her classes are designed for easy integration and she puts so much of her time and effort into creating the best learning environment as possible.  I know that she goes over and above for her students… she is so nurturing and really is passionate about her work."  ~ Debbie, Queensland 

"I would highly recommend the Eden Energy Medicine Level 1: Fundamentals training with Liz Caruana. I attended the class in 2019 and was so fortunate to have Liz as my teacher.  She is simply amazing!  Liz is a kind and compassionate soul with an absolute passion for the work. As well as being a fabulous teacher, Liz creates a safe and beautiful learning environment. This course is wonderful and it has changed my life. I have benefited not just physically, but mentally and emotionally as well." ~ CS, Victoria


"Extraordinary benefits to mind, body and soul.  Wish I could do it again!  Liz's understanding of and commitment to Eden Energy Medicine is incredible.  It is through her dedication that Energy Medicine is now to be taught by a local practitioner in Australia.  The work itself is mind blowing and not just life changing but life-giving.  Liz herself is a joy to be around.  She is fun and supportive, engaging and thorough."  ~ Joanne, Sydney

© Sage Life 2023

International Institute for Complementary Therapists (IICT) Member

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Note: The Eden Method stimulates innate health-promoting mechanisms that restore the body’s natural state of well-being. It does not attempt to diagnose, treat, or cure illness.

Sage Life Business Card with contact details
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